Category Archives: English Language

BECE 2013 English Language Past Question 1 & 2

BECE 2013 English Language Past Question 1 & 2:  The West African Examination Council is an educational authority responsible for conducting Basic Education Certificate Exams (BECE) for all Jhs Students in their final year. As you prepare for your final year examination, you are encouraged to always try your hands on some of the past… Read More »

WAEC BECE 2010 English Language Past Questions PDF

WAEC BECE 2010 English Language Past Questions PDF: The West African Examination Council is an educational authority responsible for conducting Basic Education Certificate Exams (BECE) for all Jhs Students in their final year. WAEC organize the exams in other to determine students who qualified to be a transition into Senior high school. As part of… Read More »

WAEC English Language BECE 2009 Past Questions PDF

WAEC English Language BECE 2009 Past Questions PDF: The West African examination council is an educational body that is in charge of organizing Basic Education Certificate Exams (BECE) for all Students who are in their final year at Junior High School. WAEC organize the exams in other to determine students who qualified to be a… Read More »